Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When the Ego Looks into a Mirror

This year is thus the time to make the easiest decision that ever confronted you and the only one. You will cross the bridge into reality simply because you will realize that God is on the other side and nothing at all is here. It is impossible not to make the natural decision as this is realized.
(A Course in Miracles)

Could there be a force in us that wants to interfere with God's communication? Sure, and every spiritual traveler will sooner or later stumble on it. What do you think the First Commandment "Thou shall have no gods before me" is all about? Do you think God is jealous and cannot stand the idea of not being admired? The First Commandments alerts you to the problem statement that there is a force in you that wants to interfere with your inherited God connection.

Once you start looking for God you will naturally stumble on your idol. There is simply an interference in you and the voice in your head will remind you how important it is for you. A cry for specialness hides in all of us, and this longing interferes with our God awareness. Everybody has it, but not everyone is aware of it, and certainly, not everyone minds it. If anything, our society edges us on to develop what supposedly separates us from others. Certainly, you can use your unique talent to share it with others, but you can also use it to look down on others. Try to find out what your true agenda and your fantasies are all about.

There is only one requirement for completing your spiritual path, when you stumble on a dark corner in your soul, be willing to look. Don't be embarrassed and don't fight your cravings either. Just accept them. Arguments with the ego is exactly what the fellow looks for. Simply don't engage! You are operating on the wrong thought level and you can only escape from it by stepping aside - or by crossing the bridge as the Course in Miracles puts it so well. See the ego for what it is, a force that wants to keep your attention. Take a good look around, God's messenger must be standing nearby. Dealing with the ego is actually not that hard, let it look into the mirror, there is nothing reflecting back.

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