Tuesday, April 22, 2014

On Serving God

Live for yourself, you will live in vain. Live for others, you will live again.
(Bob Marley)

Can you be happy leading a life without a God connection? Sure, your soul may still have to finish a mission or two, and while you engage you might simply be too busy to experience that quiet Voice inside. But eventually all these drives will burn off, and that might be a time when you suddenly feel the desire to serve others, and with it, God. Without that a God connection, happiness will likely be elusive.

So what exactly do we mean when we say, connecting with God? It starts with a quiet Voice that pops up now and then when we are down and finally willing to listen, or when we feel exhilarated and see the mission of our life in front of us. What exactly makes our heart sing and what makes it sink? When you get in touch with your inner feelings you may get new ideas about what mission God has in mind for you.

How can we feel God’s presence? Wherever like-minded people of good intention gather together, God is in our midst. We are all one, but the only way to find this out is to serve each other. By serving others we in fact serve our Self. And by accepting our humanistic mission we serve God - and God’s love and comfort will surround us.

If this all sounds too romantic to you, we had our struggles too. After all, we experience weakness and doubts as well. So how exactly do we heal, guide and help people if we ourselves feel incomplete? The answer is simple, it is the situation that heals. No problem presents itself unless it has the key for a resolution attached to it. Just see for yourself whether you can work miracles or not. In our experience, whenever people of good will are working together magic happens.

There is only one requirement, let the path of healing never be about you. Whenever we can serve each other with a selfless purpose, God is present in everyone of us. But this power quickly dissolves whenever there is a hidden agenda at work. An spiritual path is about finding your Self - and with it - finding the God connection. Happiness is yours to capture; let your spiritual path teach you how to find it. The holy encounter with others will wash your personal agenda and your impurities away. You will find the instructions of your mission written in every heart you encounter along the Way.

By Christian and Su Zhen

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