Friday, April 18, 2014

Moses Trip Through the Desert

The journey to God is merely the reawakening of where you are always and what you are forever. It is a journey without distance to a goal that never changed.
(A Course in Miracle)

Moses was a prophet, he wasn't the Messiah. Moses had a direct line to his God, Yahweh, and he had the power to perform miracles to lead the Israelis to freedom; yet, he himself was not allowed to reach the Holy Land. Shortly before they reached the land of milk and honey, Moses died.

Did you ever ask yourself why exactly is took the Israelis 40 years to cross the desert? A quick look at the map shows this distance could have covered quite quickly. The trip through the desert was self-imposed. All the slaves of Egypt were not ready for freedom quite yet, it was only their offspring who had a new shot at it.

Our assessment of what exactly the role of the a Messiah is has changed. The New Age believes that everyone these days has a shot to take a claim of the Sonship. The Course in Miracle as one example has the idealistic vision that we all together - once we show up for the mission we were born to complete - are the Sonship. Still, remember that no matter how good you are, a trip through the desert will have to be part of your journey to claim your heritage.

Why, you may ask. Well, have a look at the folks that claim they have reached this stage of enlightenment before you. All of them went through an intense period of letting go. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert before enlightenment struck; Buddha spent years searching for it. I remember the story of the sage Sri Ramakrishna who spent all his will-power on reaching that blessed God connection. Then one day he simply had it, he took a sword and said "well, if you don't come to me, I am coming to you" and was just about to kill himself with it
when a vision of Durga Maa appeared; She took the sword away and said, "Don't worry, I am here."

The trip through the desert is symbolic, it doesn't have to be real. We are human so demons, fear and accumulated guilt are part of us. There is no God who wants us to suffer, there is just us who aspire to be divine. Demons and fears are of your own making, do not engage with them and they will pass on their own. Always remember, there was absolutely no need for a 40 year Pass-over, and the land of milk and honey is definitely yours to claim. Sri Ramakrishna's Maa is always on your side. Just take Her hand and make the transformation complete.

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